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Our Testimonials


Jason Stobbard

“…Absolutely fantastic work, many thanks for the perfect collaboration so far, very much appreciated!…”

Jane Austin

“… I love this team! They did fantastic work, many thanks for the perfect collaboration so far, very much appreciated!…”

Jason Stobbard

“…Absolutely fantastic work, many thanks for the perfect collaboration so far, very much appreciated!…”

What they say about us.

Hajj 2011 was not only my first Hajj but also my first experience of travelling abroad. Wary of the horror stories and nightmares I had heard from members of my family who had performed Hajj before, I was dreading it! But Al-hamdu lillah, the service provided by Radiant Drops left me utterly speechless. There was nothing they didn’t think of— from the Pre-Hajj Seminar in the UK to the moment we landed back home, even providing us with lovely cold ice creams when we were boiling hot in Arafah! It was so professional but at the same time, the group had a real family feel. I’ll be travelling with Radiant Drops every single time In sha’ Allah. Why would I go elsewhere when I know I already have perfect service?

Umm Zaid

The Sheikh was excellent. He moved mountains when giving historic talks which brought tears to one’s eyes. One could actually feel the pain, suffering and hardship our Prophet ﷺ and companions endured through the deserts and at the hands of enemies. It was very inspiring which brought us back to reality that we are all here for one purpose that is to please Allah and follow the Sunnah.

Shirin Hussain

Ma sha’ Allah Sheikh was excellent made us cry when giving his talks and talking about our beloved Prophet ﷺ and his companions RA and the hardship he saw went through for us and we had fun and laughs during the tour as well may Allah ﷻ rewards the brothers and Sheikh for their hard work leading up to the tour and during the tour.

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